Sonosession is proud to partner with the American College of Nurse-Midwives for their 63rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition.  Our team will be providing a one day ultrasound workshop.  The workshop will consist of lecture in the morning and hands-on scanning with live patients and phantoms in the afternoon.  Our president and founder Julie Gaston, BS RDMS RVT will lecture along with Bill Shepherd, PhD RDMS RVT.  The rest of our exceptional staff will instruct and guide during the afternoon hands-on session along with Bill and Julie.  We will also have a booth at the Exhibition, where ACNM members can register for upcoming workshops, purchase our text book and get detailed information on ultrasound training.

This one-day workshop begins with lecture, a hands-on scanning demonstration, and a question and answer segment. Each participant will then have a 2 hour live scanning opportunity in our hands-on session. There will be various stations set up that focus on a variety of scanning skills including transvaginal, CRL measurements, assessment of ovaries and endometrium, IUD evaluation, and third trimester scanning including AFI, fetal lie, placental location and cervical length. Each participant will rotate through 2 stations. The stations are strategically selected based on your learning objectives and scanning experience. Each participant will also have access to Sonosession’s online learning platform to watch lectures and videos prior to the meeting in preparation for the hands-on scanning session. Space is limited.  You can register at .  The event will take place at the Savannah International Trade & Convention Center in Savannah, Ga on May 20-24 2018.   Please refer to the ACNM website ( for detailed information on lodging and event specifics.

Our 2nd edition of “The Complete Guide to Ultrasound for Nurse Midwives” will be available to all ACNM members for a discounted price at the conference.  Books can be purchased at our booth in the exhibition hall during the meeting.  Our team is very excited to be a part of educating Nurse Midwives in Ultrasound so that they can provide another level of care to their patients!